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An Overview of McCarthyism and the McCarthy Era Essay example -- Essay

An Overview of McCarthyism and the McCarthy Era This is the primary definition ever of the word McCarthyism, first distributed in 1954. T...

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Criminality Essay - 825 Words

Criminality (Essay Sample) Content: CriminalityQuestion 1Theoretical points from the readingSocial environment influences character; the theory recognizes that the social environment that an individual is exposed to plays a role in shaping and forming the behavior of a human being. The theory argues that what a child is exposed to influences their actions and how they perceive life and the surrounding. The early development stages of a child are very important in developing character of the child as the child learns from the surrounding and develops a character that makes them adapt to the environment.Behavior is cumulative; the theory emphasizes that an individual behavior is not a one day activity. Human being starts to acquire behavior and character traits since birth and the historical encounter and cultural orientation forms the basis for individual behavior. This idea implies that criminal character is not developed overnight but is as a result of a prolonged exposure to risk factors to a point th at the behavior starts to manifest itself. The theory foresees a possibility of forecasting behavior. By understanding and analyzing the environment that a child is exposed to, it is easy to predict the character that is likely to come out of the child. It is therefore also possible to prevent criminal element by understanding the crucial turning point in a Childs life. It is therefore possible to prevent criminality by socializing children in the right way.Question 2Criminology theorizingCriminal mind is a developed mind as a result of the social environment. However, this character though developed can be reduced and enable the person who had been in crime to reform. The change of behavior is a challenging and difficult to do away with if the person still lives and socializes with the same risk factors. For a criminal to understand and leave crime, he needs to avoid the entire triggering environment. Theories have presented criminality as a series of activities in various stages i n life. The individuals move from one stage to another until he crosses the other end where criminality is the order of the day. When a person cross the other end there is need of activation of character which allows the person to character of the new person, these activation includes offending among other traits.Question 3What struck me most is the idea that a criminality result for socialization process is a puzzle to me. The concepts on the theories suggest that a crimi... Criminality Essay - 825 Words Criminality (Essay Sample) Content: CriminalityQuestion 1Theoretical points from the readingSocial environment influences character; the theory recognizes that the social environment that an individual is exposed to plays a role in shaping and forming the behavior of a human being. The theory argues that what a child is exposed to influences their actions and how they perceive life and the surrounding. The early development stages of a child are very important in developing character of the child as the child learns from the surrounding and develops a character that makes them adapt to the environment.Behavior is cumulative; the theory emphasizes that an individual behavior is not a one day activity. Human being starts to acquire behavior and character traits since birth and the historical encounter and cultural orientation forms the basis for individual behavior. This idea implies that criminal character is not developed overnight but is as a result of a prolonged exposure to risk factors to a point th at the behavior starts to manifest itself. The theory foresees a possibility of forecasting behavior. By understanding and analyzing the environment that a child is exposed to, it is easy to predict the character that is likely to come out of the child. It is therefore also possible to prevent criminal element by understanding the crucial turning point in a Childs life. It is therefore possible to prevent criminality by socializing children in the right way.Question 2Criminology theorizingCriminal mind is a developed mind as a result of the social environment. However, this character though developed can be reduced and enable the person who had been in crime to reform. The change of behavior is a challenging and difficult to do away with if the person still lives and socializes with the same risk factors. For a criminal to understand and leave crime, he needs to avoid the entire triggering environment. Theories have presented criminality as a series of activities in various stages i n life. The individuals move from one stage to another until he crosses the other end where criminality is the order of the day. When a person cross the other end there is need of activation of character which allows the person to character of the new person, these activation includes offending among other traits.Question 3What struck me most is the idea that a criminality result for socialization process is a puzzle to me. The concepts on the theories suggest that a crimi...

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