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An Overview of McCarthyism and the McCarthy Era Essay example -- Essay

An Overview of McCarthyism and the McCarthy Era This is the primary definition ever of the word McCarthyism, first distributed in 1954. T...

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Should Everyone Go to College?

Should Everyone Go to College?When the topic of going to college comes up, there is a great debate between those who say yes and those who say no. Does everyone really need to go to college?It's easy to get right off the track if you are just looking for the right answer to this question. Don't think about it as an option; think about it as a fact. A fact that all individuals should have the opportunity to get an education beyond high school. It's not just educational opportunities, it's a human right and something we should be concerned with.It doesn't matter what the topic of the essay is, or whether it's based on a current event or historical fact. The fact is, that everyone should have the chance to get more education and to earn a better life for themselves and their families.Everyone should go to college because they need to learn more than they know. If you look around, you'll see lots of businesses, organizations, and companies that were created out of necessity. These organi zations were formed to serve an interest, and no one came into existence with the intention of just having fun.It's amazing how the world works if you think about it. No one is born to be anything, and each individual is born with the ability to accomplish what he or she wants to. In other words, no one is born to just take care of themselves and their families, but they are born to contribute to the world around them.Everyone who's ever been in charge of a group, or an organization, has been part of it for most of their lives. You have probably had people in your life who've worked in your company, helped your children with their homework, or acted as their primary care givers. All of these people contributed to your success, and that's why you can't think of anyone who's ever come into existence without a goal in mind.If everyone gets to go to college, they will definitely need a better life than they're currently living. A life that will allow them to pursue the career of their d reams, travel the world, meet new people, and meet new lovers. Then again, there's no guarantee that everyone will do all those things, and we all know that this world isn't perfect. We all need the opportunity to learn how to control our own destiny, to be responsible for our own dreams and to choose our path to live.

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